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Wanda WiggAns

My work is a ritual process which contains my past and present, both literally and figuratively. I collect traces of my existence and my family’s existence and put them through processes of destruction and reconstruction in an attempt to make some kind of emotional sense of my experience. It is a way of controlling or directing energy.


The active transformation of experience and its context creates a psychological mirror which is all about the exploration of the relationship between body, feeling and image. I focus on the movement of my body, drawing poetic dialogues within the work.


My body is a replacement for words. I use my body as a tool for reflection to help evaluate everyday life, my performance pieces help to break free of materials like paint brushes, media and sculpture. I want to be surprised by the unexpected, as the work is unorthodox and rarely follows a plot or narrative.  Spontaneity implies risk and fear then becomes manifestly unmethodical, in other terms “do not be scared of failure, because whose standards are you failing?”


Our body is our filter and contains our life stories in multi-layered structures. Movement becomes a vehicle for insight and change. Movement is a metaphor for story. The recording of movement generates new resources and arrives at a more complete understanding of self.


Next year I plan to move to Taubate in Brazil to live and teach art.


You can follow more of her work by viewing her website or clicking the links below:



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