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Meet the Artist: Charlotte Nicholson

Hello, my name is Charlotte Nicholson and I am a practicing printmaker and am (with any luck) about to graduate. My interests lie in social equality, and how we have developed as a society. This year I have been working on a series of prints which challenge voyeurism and the male gaze.

I have taken a satirical approach to this topic, fighting fire with fire. In my early works I was producing nudes of women with bite marks taken out of their silhouettes. In doing this I was hoping to show the damage caused to women by the voyeuristic nature of our society. This has led me to create work reflecting on the Original Sin, and how women have suffered because of this biblical tale.

Research is a large part of my work. I look at current events and use literature and old texts to comment on the amount of change, or lack thereof, which we have achieved. Without the research, my artwork can be interpreted as pandering to the male gaze, but when combined with my research, the satire is (hopefully) apparent.

I explore the human for in my work through life drawing, painting, and a variety of printmaking methods. My main techniques in printmaking include lino cuts and polychromatic prints, but I feel experimentation is key in finding other ways to put my message of equality forward.

I hope you enjoy visiting our degree show, and keep checking the website for any updates, and more artist blogs!

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