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Rebeka-louise Lee

Within my art I like to experiment using mainly 2D based processes, such as printing, painting and drawing. I always had a passion for drawing and would gain inspiration from Henry Moore’s early hand etchings, gaining knowledge of how to show form and light.


I started out at University experimenting with screen printing and then throughout my experiences I turned my attention to etching, whilst doing this I fell in love with form and light all over again but this time using it within a lengthy worthwhile process. Starting with small simple line drawings I gradually worked larger and larger and realised the full potential and detail I could achieve with a large scale etch.


I have based my most recent prints around the scenes and people I see in my dreams. I’ve had strange dreams ever since I was a child, which were normally a result from suffering with epileptic seizures. I want others to experience what I have and meet the characters I have met. Documenting the strange scenes I come across in my dreams has also helped me mentally predict when a seizure is occurring, there is usually a familiar pattern of flashing images I witness that acts as a warning. I have tried to include these in my more recent pieces.


You can follow more of her work by visiting her website or clicking the link below:



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